The Importance of a Schedule
With one week of online learning in the books, I have learned a whole lot and not about reading and math, lol. I have learned the importance of keeping a schedule. It would have been easy for me to wake up right before I had to sign in to work and stay in my pajamas all day but not sure how that would work, day after day. So, I set my alarm just like I was going to work. I got up, exercised, showered and got dressed. I believe this was an importance piece to getting things accomplished at work and at home.
Same concept applies to our kids. Maintaining a schedule, although it might look different than school, is important for success. Just like school, try to set times for certain tasks. Make sure you not only include the schoolwork but snack time, breaks, chores, lunch, and recess. In addition, make the schedule visual so your child can see what is ahead. A visual schedule is a permanent reminder for the child to view. Because of its permanency, it teaches them to check their schedule instead of checking with you and learn to independently moderate any anxiety them might be having. By reducing anxiety, it allows them to focus on the task at hand. Also, when making a schedule, try to schedule something fun after something your child may consider hard or not preferred. When a child can see something he or she likes to do is in the near future it may propel them to complete a task they might find hard or mundane.
Watch the video below for tips on how to create a schedule and some other useful resources!
Steph Chambers M.Ed