Since 2013, the Child Connection Center has supported nearly 800 families in reaching their goals.
What we do.
Individual Student Support.
CCC professional staff provide students with access to in-school counseling, behavior support plans & positive reinforcement programs. The CCC collaborates with parents, teachers and administration to reinforce student supports in the home and school settings.
Student Support through Small Groups.
The CCC provides social skills, character development & small group counseling for students in school. These support services help students to meet their goals and support them in being ready to learn.
Teacher Support & Classroom Strategies.
The CCC provides teacher support and innovative classroom strategies designed to promote successful teaching in classrooms with disruptive behaviors. Teachers can utilize these strategies to support individual student behavior challenges and whole class management.
Parent Strategies & Family Support
CCC professional staff connect with parents to provide at-home behavior support, family plans, and referrals to community resources.