Coming Back to School


Most school districts have either already started the next phase of in-person learning, or will begin very soon.  Whether that means your child is returning for full days or more days per week, or even both, it is going to be a big adjustment for them after a year of hybrid learning and shortened days.  Many students have expressed concern or anxiety about returning to full in person learning.  Here are some tips to help make that transition smoother:

1.  Prep your child ahead of time.  Discuss what is going to happen.  For younger students, practice things that are new, like using a divider or taking the bus.  

2. Talk about things that could go wrong and what to do if they happen.  Having a plan will help your child feel more comfortable and more confident when making the adjustment.  Role play situations and help them find a solution.

3. Keep communication open.  Check in with your student about how they are feeling leading up to them returning to school, and make sure to keep checking in after they go back.  Keep up that communication with your child’s school as well in case any issues arise.

4. Set a routine and follow it.  Routines are very helpful for children, especially during times of stress or transition.  Routines let children know what to expect, which is comforting in a time where many changes are occurring and can be very overwhelming.

5. Manage everyone’s expectations.  Just as it took some time to acclimate to at home and hybrid learning, it will take some time to acclimate to in person learning for everyone --  students, teachers and parents.  

Give everyone some grace and do not expect yourself, your child, or the school to be perfect right away.


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